Next Generation EU Funds
for SMEs
Spain's Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan is structured around four pillars. These core areas of focus are aimed at creating a greener, more digital, cohesive, inclusive and egalitarian future, where SMEs will play a leading role.
This plan includes a set of reforms and investments aimed at strengthening the Spanish business ecosystem, and pays special attention to the needs of SMEs. By supporting these companies to increase their productivity and strengthen their capacities, jobs are created, competitiveness is boosted, and the economy as a whole grows.

The item dedicated to SMEs foresees investments of 4,894 million euros. Likewise, it predicts reforms and investments in five strategic areas:
entrepreneurship, growth, digitisation and innovation, support for trade and internationalisation.
The funds will be executed, therefore, through calls for tenders, subsidies and aid from the different Ministries, Autonomous Communities and in some cases, Town Councils.
Each administraion will publish calls for tenders, grants and aid aimed at meeting the main objectives of the Plan. As listed above, these are: ecological and digital transition, territorial and social cohesion, and gender equality.